September 12, 2020

Michigan Association of Professional Santas


Board of Directors Meeting

President Flynn invited the board to his home for food, good time, and a board of directors meeting in Stanton, Michigan

September 12, 2020

Attendance: Ted Flynn, Michael Howe, Harry Carlson, Fritz Schmidt, Norm Gerring

Absent: Billy Howarth (excused), Jim Jordan (excused), Ellen Trepening (excused)

Called to order by President Flynn at 2:15pm

Old Minutes: Presented via text online

Treasurer’s Report: Harry Carlson

  1. Re: Wildfire Credit Union names added are Harry Carlson, Billy Howarth, Fritz Schmidt
  2. Liability insurance paid but he hasn’t seen it withdrawn from our account yet.
  3. Balance approximately $2500, after liability insurance payment is withdrawn.

Old Business:

  • 2020 Red Suit Conclave: Learning sessions were well received online Zoom meetings, three consecutive Fridays, thanks to Santa Michael Howe for handling it very professionally. He arranged for guest speakers and interesting programs.

New Business:

  • 2021 Spring Retreat: President Flynn suggested a Spring Retreat which would be a combination fun & learning opportunity for our members. More discussion to follow.
  • 2021 Red Suit Conclave: now our concern is getting away from Covid19 and government regulations.
  • Christmas In July: some talk of possible locations, Ted and Michael hopefully both will have more information next month.
  • Hand out for attending Special MAPS events: Norm suggested the board should consider having on hand a good quality item to use at any event the board sponsors to hand out to members who attend. Ex: Red Suit Conclave, Christmas In July, Spring Retreat. Example: pen or pocket calendar. 
  • Discussion about Covid19: much concern and confusion about this coming season.
  • Event cost: Norm pointed out that we need to keep in mind the importance of raising money any time we plan on spending money. Simple use of 50/50 Raffles and White Elephant Raffles are by far the easiest way to raise money.  Above all we need to remember the treasurer balance should never fall below the cost of two years fixed expenses, which currently are about $1900.


Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn by Norm Gerring, 2nd by Harry Carlson. Motion passed at 3:05pm.

Minutes submitted by: Norm Gerring

Approved by: President Flynn