August 11, 2020

Michigan Association of Professional Santas


Board of Directors Meeting

(Zoom Online)

August 11, 2020

Attendance: Ted Flynn, Michael Howe, Harry Carlson, Ellen Terpening, Jim Jordan, Norm Gerring

Absent: Billy Howarth (excused), Fritz Schmidt (excused)

Called to order by President Flynn at 7:00 pm and stated we had no agenda so meeting will be short, he introduced our new member Ellen Terpening.

Old Minutes: Presented via text online

Treasurer’s Report: Harry Carlson

  1. Re: Wildfire Credit Union names to be added are Harry Carlson, Billy Howarth, Fritz Schmidt
  2. Liability insurance paid but he hasn’t seen it withdrawn from our account yet.
  3. One member donated $100.00.

Old Business: none

New Business:

  • Red Suit Conclave: Learning sessions going well as online Zoom meeting on Friday’s ending August 21st.
  • Discussion about Covid19: it seems to be on the mind of the entire Santa community across the country.  No one knows what to expect this year.
  • Norm Gerring on membership matters: He read a list of of members names who have not responded to efforts to reach them via phone or email. He wants to make one final effort and give them a thirty day notice at which time they do not respond they are removed from membership. They can always reapply for membership if the want at some latter date. Motion by Harry Carlson, 2nd by Ellen Terpening that Norm should work on this membership matter and report back. Motion passed.


Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn by Norm Gerring, 2nd by Ellen Terpening.  Motion passed at 7:35pm.

Minutes submitted by: Norm Gerring

Approved by: President Ted Flynn