July 14, 2020

Michigan Association of Professional Santas


Board of Directors Meeting

(Zoom Online)

July 14, 2020

Attendance: Ted Flynn, Michael Howe, Harry Carlson, Jim Jordan, Norm Gerring

Absent: Billy Howarth (excused), Fritz Schmidt,

Called to order by President Flynn at 7:02 pm

Old Minutes: Presented via text online

Treasurer’s Report: Harry Carlson

  1. Waiting for results of change to signatories on our accounts with Wildfire Credit Union. Names to be added are Harry Carlson, Billy Howarth, Fritz Schmidt
  2. The change of resident agent with the State of Michigan, Corporations Division, and the Board of MAPS passed resolutions authorizing the changes.
  3. Money owed, $697 for liability insurance, $180.20 MAPS stick on logos

Old Business: none

New Business:

  • Red Suit Conclave: President Flynn asked board members to consider canceling the event due to the increases of Covid19 cases in recent days. This was talk about to some extent pros and cons of canceling. Then it was discussed to move it to ‘on line’ with hopes of making it a two day event next year.

   Motion: By Norm Gerring to change the location of the Red Suit Conclave to online via Zoom over 3

   or more meetings to be hosted by Michael Howe on Fridays. 2nd Jim Jordan. Motion passed.

  • Events: Friday online Gatherings created by Michael Howe is doing very well during the Covid19 pandemic that our state is going through. This online (Zoom) meeting has turned out to be a fortuitous ‘learning sessions’ for our membership.

Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn by Michael Howe, 2nd by Jim Jordan, passed at 7:49pm.

Minutes submitted by: Norm Gerring

Approved by: President Ted Flynn