
Time started 7:01 pm

  1. Jingle Joy Retreat discussion:
    1. Classes discussion
      1. Difficult questions in the chair
      2. Mrs. Clauses classes
  • New Santa questions
  1. White Elephant discussion:
  2. Talent Show discussion
  3. Santa magic discussion
  4. Claus fashion show discussion
  1. New website discussion:
    1. Transition date will be 8/1/21
    2. We will be able to create groups and permissions-the BOD need to decide who
  2. Red Suit Conclave discussion:
    1. Discussion of potential classes
  3. Discussion of MAPS online luncheon:
    1. Santa True will be speaking about storytelling on 7/2/21
  4. Treasurer Report:
    1. $165 came in
    2. No bills

Motion to adjourn by M. Howe

Second it by Harry

Motion passed

7:56 meeting ended



Note:  These minutes are the personal notes of Ellen Terpening and were taken in because the secretary was not able too.