
Meeting started 7:03 pm

In attendance:

Ted Flynn            Micheal Howe                   Ellen Terpening                 Norman Gerring               Michael Beurer

Jim Jordan           Harry Carlson                     Bill Howarth


  1. Discussion of July 24th camp event:
    1. Need final count so Michael can buy burgers
    2. Discussion of the White Elephant Auction
  2. Discussion of Jingle Joy Retreat:
    1. MAPS need to refund Michael for Pizza that he bought for dinner for everyone.
    2. Harry stated we made almost $500 from the Jingle Joy Retreat
  3. Treasurers Report:
    1. $4217.50 in account
    2. $58 of bills paid out
    3. Harry sent a check out for the Red Suit Conclave
  4. Discussion of Bank account:
    1. Fritz is still one of the 3 signers of the bank account. Since Fritz moved MAPS needs a new signer.
    2. Ted motioned for Ellen to be the 3rd Harry second it.  The BOD all voted yes for Ellen Terpening to be the 3rd signer on the checking account.
    3. Harry will send Ellen the electronic information
  5. Discussion of the By-Laws
    1. Discussion of some changes
    2. Discussion of notice to steering assembly meeting
    3. Discussion of changes to articles must have 3-month notice-might have to be at the wrap of meeting to present
    4. Discussion about creating an apprentice membership for Santas & Mrs. Clauses for 1 year. If not active, then dropped
    5. Discussion of a mentor assigned
    6. Membership discussion for youth, associate membership are categories now.
    7. Discussion of active membership
    8. Discussion of guest membership for adults and children.
    9. Discussion of out of state membership
    10. Discussion of eliminating the phrase of “resident of Michigan & legal age”
    11. Harry volunteered to re-write these discussed changes for review for the By-laws
  6. Discussion of Red Suit Conclave
    1. Ted is having problems with confirming the restaurant, Street Grill on pierce road.
    2. Ted will look into Holiday in for a gather room for us
    3. Ted will print of Red Suit Conclave programs
    4. Sherry will not be coming as a vendor this year
    5. Michael needs tables for swap meet
    6. Have to be out by 5 pm both days
    7. Discussion of how many people will be coming
    8. Nancy Sak volunteer to do guest sign in table
    9. Tim Terpening will be a door greeter and will take pictures
    10. Larry will get the cookies
    11. We will have hot water, coffee & decaf
    12. Mitch Allen from HireSanta will be a guest speaker
      1. MAPS will be pay for his room at the Holiday Inn Express
    13. Bill will be bringing coffee pots & 50/50 raffle tickets
  7. Discussion of MAPS supplies:
    1. Bill stated that MAPS items for sale are very low
    2. Discussion of what items are needed
    3. Ted will call his hat person

Norm Gerring stated he was retiring from MAPS BOD.


Ted motion to adjourn

Second it by M. Howe

Motion passed

Meeting ended 8:05 pm


Note:  These minutes are the personal notes of Ellen Terpening and were taken in because the secretary was not able too.