
Time stated 7:01 pm


Ted Flynn         Micheal Howe             Ellen Terpening                       Michael Beurer

Randyl Lee      Harry Carlson              Bill Howarth


  1. Discussion of keeping insurance for MAPS
    1. Harry stated that the insurance for the year is $800 for LLC
    2. Tim Terpening was asked to speak regarding this since he is
    3. Discussion of the pros and cons of continuing this insurance
    4. A motion was moved by Harry to pay for part of the insurance and to find out more about the policy discussion of the pros and cons that Tim Terpening discussed. Second it by Ellen Terpening.  Motion passed 5 to one.
  2. Red Suit Conclave discussion
    1. Meet in lobby at the hotel at 5:30 pm for dinner Friday
    2. Bring baskets for the auction
    3. We will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets
    4. Discussion of any needs for classes to be taught
  3. Discussion of bank signers
    1. Harry did update that Fritz moved and Ellen was voted to be approved to be the 3rd signer on the bank account at the last meeting held.
    2. Harry said BOD will need a copy of the meeting minutes to present at the bank.
    3. Harry, M. Howe and Bill are the audit committee and will update at the annual meeting
  4. Discussion of the Bylaws:
    1. Discussion of membership
    2. Discussion of when notice needs to be given-90 days to Steering Committee to change the charter
      1. 30 days to change bylaw to Steering Committee
    3. Discussion of doing another Steering Committee meeting at the Wrap-Up meeting in January 2021
    4. Send out notice by 10-1-21
    5. Discussion of membership categories
  5. Discussion of the need of a secretary:
    1. BOD suggested Ellen Terpening
      1. Motion to have Ellen as Secretary by M. Howe, second it by Harry. BOD all voted Ellen as Secretary for MAPS.  Ellen accepted.
    2. Discussion of Covid19
      1. MAPS will follow the states mandates as it has been

Motion to adjourn Harry

Second it M. Howe

Motion passed


Meeting ended 8:01 pm


Respectfully Submitted,



Ellen Terpening, PhD
