Time stated 7:00 pm
Michael Howe Michael Beurer Jim Jordan Harry Carlson
Roger Minton Billie Howarth Ted Flynn
- The minutes were postponed since Ellen was not in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Beginning balance in June 2022: $3387.28
- Deposits: $103.00 (Bills from Jingle Joy Retreat)
- Checks written: $426.12 (Double JJ Resort)
- Check written: $63.60 (Reimburse Ted for breakfast costs at Jingle Joy Retreat)
- July Balance: $3000.56
Old Business:
- Discussion of Red Suit Conclave:
- Registration update from Roger: There is 67 have registered. A few of them are outside of MI.
- Roger will send out another email reminder to register for RSC.
- Roger is doing name tags and the photo booth.
- Ted is doing flyers and brochures.
- Jim is taking care of care of the coffee and cookies. Jim stated he talked to Greg for an inventory of coffee pots and said we had enough.
- Jim will provide/ask for donations for 80-100 cookies and bottled water- BOD reminded him to save his receipts for a refund.
- Question came up on who sent out thank you notes last year and where to send thank you notes to this year? Last year was “Lunch Time: Larry and the 2 years before that everything was virtual. Ted said he would take care of thank you notes to everyone who needs one.
- Michael Howe is doing the swap meet and vendor set ups.
- Spangle, Joe, Trish, Santa Carluci & Jenny Lynn will be vendors.
- There will be no selling during classes.
- Billie volunteered to make lunch on Sunday for everyone. He will be bringing pulled pork sandwiches & chips.
- Billie stated he will be setting up a vendor table of MAPS merchandise and will be making tubs for each BOD to take with them to sell at their lunch events.
- Harry will provide signage materials and will make signs the day of RSC.
- Ted stated that SVRC double booked us, and we can no longer use the large room. We will have to use the room downstairs in the press room. It will hold 125 people for Saturday. SVRC told Ted they are getting paid $2500 for the large room and needed the money. Ted is still trying to figure out where to put vendors.
- Spangle’s trailer has been approved to park in the parking lot.
- There will be no raffle baskets this time at RSC due to not having the large room.
- There will be a 50/50 raffle at RSC and will be putting out the donation box on the registration table.
- Michael Howe will bring his projector equipment for Power Point Slides. Michael pointed out we may have to cut classes in half to share time with double classes since we do not have the large room.
- Charlie will be bringing his sound equipment.
- Jim suggested to make a ring binder of nots of RSC so that we have our notes all in one place and guidelines to follow. Ted stated he has a folder on his computers with this information and will provide the information to the BOD.
- Ted will tell Uno that we will 100 for seating at the restaurant.
- Registration update from Roger: There is 67 have registered. A few of them are outside of MI.
- Insurance update:
- Harry received the annual insurance bill from Norm Gerring which is $825.00.
- This insurance bill was discussed last summer. No decisions were made to pay 2022 insurance because Harry said he would research and find out the actual insurance policy and the BOD stated that information should be sent to Tim Terpening to read and study it since he is an insurance agent to see whether this insurance is needed. Ted is going to SVRC in person to see what other spaces/rooms we can use.
- BOD reminded Harry we need an address change to have the insurance bill sent to the correct address.
- Harry received the annual insurance bill from Norm Gerring which is $825.00.
- Logo update was postponed.
- Michael Howe stated he made an appointment with David, who is an attorney to review the current legal status of MAPS.
New Business:
- No new business
Adjourn Meeting
- Harry made the motion to adjourn meeting
- Billie seconded the motion
- Motion passed
- Meeting ended 7:49 pm
- Please note that Ellen Terpening watched a recording of this BOD meeting that Michael Howe provided so that she could record the meeting minutes.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Terpening, PhD