
Time stated 7:05 pm


Michael Howe             Ellen Terpening                       Michael Beurer           Jim Jordan

Randyl Lee                  Roger Minton                          Billie Howarth             Ted Flynn



  1. There were no minutes to read for the month of May because there was not a meeting due to the lack of having a quorum.


Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Harry was not in attendance so there was no information to present.


Old Business:

  1. Update on sales of merchandise:  So far 103 items of MAPS merchandise has been sold.
    1. Discussion on having each BOD member have a tub of merchandise to sell at the events each attend.
  2. Discussion of Red Suit Conclave:
    1. Hotel called to add more rooms.
    2. Currently there are 43 registered for RSC. Hoping for 80-90 to attend.
    3. Still trying to get Spangle to come as a vendor.
      1. Ted will follow-up with Spangle to confirm.
      2. Ted will also find out if Spangle can park his trailer in the parking lot.
    4. RSC class agenda has been shared with BOD members through Google Docs. Please review.
    5. RSC 7:30 am preferred time to set up but most likely will be 8:00 am because of staff employee. Ted will follow up to confirm opening time to set up.
    6. BOD members will set up and clean up.
    7. Friday night dinner everyone will meet at the hotel lobby at 6 pm.
    8. Ellen will ask Nancy Sak to help at the registration table.
    9. Tim Terpening will take photos of RSC as he did the previous year.
    10. There will be emails every 2 weeks now to promote, update and remind everyone that RSC is coming up.
  3. JJ Retreat Discussion:
    1. JJ had 44 registered but only 27 showed up.
  4. Website update:
    1. We have 350 registered members
    2. About 25 members are active every three days.
    3. Roger explained that the server is getting overloaded. He will be working on updating the server and will give us new information at the July BOD meeting.
    4. Bylaws update discussion:
      1. Harry sent everyone a proposed update through Facebook messenger to review.
    5. Logo update was tabled until next BOD meeting. What is needed for next BOD meeting is:
      1. A demo of the logo
      2. Budget of $50 to be used at Fiverr to update logo.
        1. Bill motioned $50 budget to Fiverr to update logo.
          1. Randyl seconded the motion
          2. Motion passed.


New Business:

  1. No new business


Adjourn Meeting

  • Ellen made the motion to adjourn meeting
  • Roger seconded the motion
  • Motion passed
  • Meeting ended 8:11 pm


Respectfully Submitted,


Ellen Terpening, PhD
