
Time stated 7:13 pm


Michael Howe             Michael Beurer           Randyl Lee      Ellen Terpening

Ted Flynn                     Jim Jordan                   Harry Carlson


  1. Minutes were approved as read.
  2. Michael Beurer made the motion to approve the minutes.
  3. Ted seconded the motion.
  4. Motion carried.


Ellen reported on the Mrs. Clauses that all their meeting information and recommendations was posted in the previous meeting and that Santa Ted had asked for that information to be emailed to him so he could start working on the RSC agenda.

 Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Below is the post Ellen copied and pasted from the BOD Chat Group regarding the Treasurers Report that Harry posted “We have a balance of $10,707.45 in our checking account.”
  2. Harry stated that the bank will be sending him new papers to sign so that we can update information on our account for the nonprofit status change.

 Old Business:

  1. Jingle Joy update:
    1. Michael Howe stated that we have 48 registered for CPW.  And that we should break even and have some monies left over for RSC.
    2. Michael Howe stated that we almost have 48 registered for JJ Retreat and he is expecting 60 plus to be registered.
    3. Michael Howe stated that Roger will be sending out several email reminders to register for CPW and JJ Retreat.
    4. Michael Howe said to check the agenda schedule for JJ on the Google Shared Folder and asked the BOD to review it.
    5. Michael Howe stated that Tricia Gronda will be doing crafts and will be asking for everyone to bring their own old Christmas cards for their craft projects for the Mrs. Clauses.  Her husband will be making wooden toys with the Santas who don’t want to golf.
    6. Randyl will be demonstrating how to make the magic coloring pages and will bring the supplies for it.  He will also bring the left-over MAPS Wrap Up Bags.
    7. Michael Howe said we are pulling people from all over the USA and Canada.
    8. Santa True will be doing campfire stories and will be participating in the Talent Show.
    9. Michael Howe said we should be ready to kick off RSC at JJ Retreat.  He would like a sign on an Easel and RSC brochures ready to pass out.
    10. Michael Howe stated that breakfast will be from 7:30 am-8:30 am and that classes will begin at 9 am.
    11. Cathy Kage and Kimmie are bringing something to eat to share with us.
    12. Ted presented a tentative RSC agenda:

Tentative Red Suit Conclave 2023 Schedule


8:15 am: Cookies & Registration

8:45 am: Welcome Meet & Greet and logistics

9:00 am: Session A: Mrs. Claus demonstrating Arts & Crafts

Demonstrating a Mrs. Claus Gig-showing how to incorporate arts/crafts, face painting, balloons, puppets, etc. at your gigs.

Recommended Class Presenters (15 minutes each)

  1. Balloon Twisting-April Barrett would show how to do Face Painting and how they incorporate it in their Gigs.
  2. Face Painting/Glitter Tattoos -Erica Minton would show how to do Face Painting and Glitter Tattoos-Judy Maynard and/or Kathy Fick will show how they                                                                 incorporate it in their Gigs.
  3. Puppets-Cathy Kage will do a demonstration on how to incorporate puppets into your gigs.
  4. Arts/Crafts-Ellen will do a quick demo on how to incorporate crafts into your gigs.


Session B: Big Box Santa Store-Ted Flynn

10:15 am: Santa’s Magic-Randyl Lee

11:30 am: Lunch (you can buy lunch at the food court or bring your own lunch.)

1:00 pm: Bruce K Voice Class

2:15 pm Special Needs-Bruce Norred

3:30 pm: What’s in your bag of tricks-Jim Jordon and Ellen

5:00 pm: Wrap up and dinner dismissal

6:30 pm: Dinner at 4 Points Hotel in the ballroom catered by Uno’s Pizza and Fashion Show with Mrs. Clauses and Santas.



8:00 am:  Door open

8:15:  Non-Denominational Service

Rev. Tim Terpening 8:15-8:30

Santa Mel 8:30-8:45

9:00 am:  Improvising Santa & Mrs. Claus creating on the fly & having fun doing it-M. Howe, M. Beurer and Erica Minton

10:15 am: Mrs. Claus Roundtable of Topics

Recommended Class Presenters (15 minutes each)

  1. How to work with Solo Santa (Shawn Marshal & Cathy Kage)
  2. The importance of undergarments (Erica Minton)
  3. What other jobs can Mrs. Claus do throughout the year and how to get those gigs. (Ellen Terpening)


Session B: Make a Wish Hospital-Richard Knapp

12:45 pm: Lunch in meeting room-Santa Billy’s BBQ

2:00 pm MAPS Annual Meeting

3:45 pm Dismiss

RSC Update:

    1. Michael Howe will ask Roger to have the registration for RSC up and ready to present at JJ Retreat.
    2. Michael Howe stated that the hotel information will be posted.

New Business:

  1. Michael Brewer suggested doing an instructional video on how to operate the new website for our MAPS members.

Next BOD meeting is 6/13/23 at 7:00 pm.

 Adjourn Meeting

  1. Ellen made the motion to adjourn the meeting.
  2. Jim seconded the motion.
  3. Motion carried.
  4. Meeting ended 8:03 pm


Respectfully Submitted,


Ellen Terpening, PhD
