
Time stated 7:05 pm


Michael Howe             Michael Beurer           Randyl Lee      Ellen Terpening

Roger Minton              Ted Flynn                     Jim Jordan



Minutes were approved as read.

M. Beurer made the motion to approve the minutes.

Randyl seconded the motion.

Motion carried.




Ellen reported on the Mrs. Claus Committee meeting on 3/28/23 for their ideas for their RSC classes.  Their goal is to have a Mrs. Claus on Saturday and one Mrs. Claus on Sunday. Below are the top 3 classes from the poll that was done in the MRS. SANTAS FB Group: Please note that Ellen sent out the minutes from this meeting to the MAPS BOD’S that requested them and she sent Roger all the information regarding the MRS. SANTAS FB Group poll.

The three classes for Mrs. Clauses are the following:

  1. Solo Mrs. Claus
    1. What other jobs can Mrs. Claus do throughout the year.
    2. How to get other jobs throughout the year/how does Mrs. Claus get those gigs.
    3. How to work with Solo Santa
  2. Claus outfits-how to design them/Fashion show (could be at SVRC or the hotel)
    1. Traditional
    2. Thrift store
    3. Christmas in July/Summer look
    4. Modern
    5. Elegant
    6. Undergarments
  3. Demonstrating Class-showing how to do an arts/crafts at your gigs.

The  3 combined class that the Mrs. Clauses would like to have with Santa together are the following:

  1. What’s in the bag class (could be combined with the Santa’s but include Mrs. Claus’s bag).
  2. Improv (could be combined with Santa’s but include examples with Mrs. Claus).
  3. Combined class with Santa’s to show the value of having Mrs. Claus with them.

Mrs. Claus Committee meeting discussed the following:

  1. Possible presenters for the Solo Mrs. Claus Class/Roundtable
    1. There was a discussion of having more than one presenter on this topic so that we get more than one perspective for other Mrs. Clauses. Each Class Presenter will have 15 minutes and will provide an outline for a PowerPoint Slide so that we can email all the Mrs. Clauses the slides for their handouts. The breakdown is as follows:
      1. Shawn Marshal and Cathy Cage will discuss on how to work with a Solo Santa.
      2. Ellen Terpening will discuss how Mrs. Clauses can do other jobs throughout the year and where does Mrs. Clause find those Gigs.
  • Kathy Fick and possibly Mary Miller to discuss the options of volunteering and fundraising for the Mrs. Clauses that just want to volunteer their services.
  1. How to design your Mrs. Claus outift/Fashion Show (would love to have Santa’s join us) (this could be done at SVRC or at the hotel)
    1. Eric for a Modern look
    2. Ellen for a Summer look and thrift store accessories
    3. April for a Mother Goose look
    4. Kathy F. for Traditional look
    5. Shawn for a Vintage look
    6. Kathy N. for a Elegnant look and thrift store accessories
    7. Rainey and Ellen for Easter Bunny and Easter Elf look
    8. Cathy K. for a Whimsy look and thrift store accessories
    9. Judy for a Traditional look and her green corduroy outfit
    10. Erica to discuss about the importance of undergarments
      1. It was also discussed how great it would be to have Santa’s included to see their different looks too.
    11. Demonstrating Claus-showing how to incorporate arts/crafts at your gigs
      1. Possible Class Presenters
        1. April and Erica for Face Painting
          1. They both would show how to do Face Painting and how they incorporate it in their Gigs.
          2. Judy M. and Kathy F. how to do Glitter Tattoos.
        2. Judy would like to do a Make It and Take It headband craft for the Mrs. Clauses at the hotel.
          1. Judy has many clear plastic headbands.
          2. The ladies could bring their flowers, ribbons, hot glue guns, etc. Judy will work on a list of what she will bring and what the rest of us could bring.
        3. Judy would like to set up a table of story books (not to sell) but to show. She has over 129.  They ladies have asked her at previous events for information on her books.  This way the ladies have time to look through them and get the titles and author’s names so they can purchase their own.


  1. Ted stated that Billie bought 25 wallet holders.
  2. Jim asked Roger about the possibility of selling custom nametags. Discussion followed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Postponed until next meeting.

 Old Business:

  1. Jingle Joy update:
    1. M. Howe created a draft schedule, and it is in the shared folder. He talked to Robert who will do his stone activity.  Thursday will be a campfire at night, Friday night will be the family show and Saturday will be another campfire.
    2. Ted said there is an 18-hole Putt Putt golf course too and will look into it for more information for possible discounts for this and share at the next meeting.
    3. Roger stated there are 34 registered for CPW and 24 registered for Jingle Joy.
    4. M. Howe talked with Santa Ture about pre-registration forms.
  2. RSC Update:
    1. Discussion of set-up detail and vendors
    2. Plan on expecting 100 or more in attendance at RSC and 150 for the dinner.
    3. Need point of contact for Santa’s for the Fashion show with the Mrs. Clauses.
    4. The Fashion Show will be the entertainment at the dinner.
    5. Ted will look into pricing for the dinner at RSC.
    6. The Sunday lunch Billie is cooking the BBQ and will need 8-9 hams.
    7. Discussion of classes for RSC. Possible Cyber Marketing, Special Needs, Sermon from both Pastor Tim and Mel, Improv will be a combined class including Mrs. Claus and What’s in the Bag.  Also, Mrs. Claus class topics/instructors that Ellen has provided and Bruce doing his voice class again.
    8. Lunch will be at 2 pm.
    9. The goal is to have the RSC brochure ready to pass out at JJ.
  3. Historical Binder Discussion
    1. BOD would like to create a historical binder, kind of like a MAPS scrapbook.
    2. Possible to look for someone outside of the BOD who would like to take on this project.
    3. Feelers will be put out at the JJ and RSC.
  4. IT update:
    1. Roger stated there are 34 registered for CPW and 24 registered for Jingle Joy.
    2. Will be doing email blasts for JJ and RSC.
    3. Might need to do a phone campaign too.
    4. Roger stated the website has collected $2500 year to date.

New Business:

  1. Non-Profit Status Update:
  2. M. Howe stated the following:  Thanks to Tim Terpening we have received our new EIN number.  At his suggestion the paperwork was filed as a new non-profit.  It is “MI Professional Santas,” so we will still be able to call ourselves MAPS. Once everything is set-up we will dissolve the LLC, then digitally off the books.  Waiting for Harry for bank confirmation before changing info on the bank accounts. M. Howe said he is very thankful for Tim and his counsel. Also stated that he personally paid Tim out of his own pocket in the amount of $400 for his work.  Discussion followed from the BOD to reimburse M. Howe.  M. Howe stated he would rather wait until the end of year to see what funds are left in the account.  M. Howe stated again how much he appreciated Tim’s help to help MAPS change from an LLC to a non-profit.
  3. Wrap Up Discussion
  4. Randyl contacted the Century Club for 2024. Looks like the Wrap Up will happen there again on the second Saturday in January of 2024.
  5. Discussion of July BOD meeting to be at Billies.

Next BOD meeting is 5/9/23 at 7:00 pm.

 Adjourn Meeting

  • Roger made the motion to adjourn the meeting.
  • Jim seconded the motion.
  • Motion carried.
  • Meeting ended 8:01 pm

Respectfully Submitted,


Ellen Terpening, PhD
