
Time stated 7:01 pm


Ted Flynn         Michael Howe             Ellen Terpening                       Michael Beurer

Randyl Lee      Roger Minton              Harry Carlson                          Jim Jordan



  1. Minutes were read
  2. Michael Howe made the motion to approve the minutes
  3. Motion was seconded by Michael Beurer, motion passed


Treasurer’s Report:

(Per Harry Carlson via his Facebook Messenger App)

Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Checking Acct. balance as of Dec. 31, 2021: $5,299.98
  2. Deposits: PayPal $1,964.68
    1. Check $38 Cash (from dinner donations):
    2. $728.00 Total Jan. deposits: $2,730.68
  3. Withdrawls: Mamma Mia $3,283.00
  4. as of Jan. 31: $4,747.66
  5. Uncashed check to Chris Belissario: $150.92
    1. PayPal balance transfer to checking acct. pending: $265.77
  6. Net total available: $4,862.51
  7. Michael Howe made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report
    1. Ellen Terpening Seconded the motion, The motion passed


Old Business:

  1. Discussion of Ted Flynn stepping down from the President position of MAPS
    1. Bylaws state after 3 years you must elect a new President
    2. There was a discussion of nominations
  2. Ted Flynn made a motion to nominate Michael Howe for President, Michael Beurer as Vice President and for himself (Ted Flynn) to be a Member at Large
    1. Motion was seconded by Randyl Lee, motion passed
  3. Discussion of creating a new BOD Technology Director position
    1. Howe made to motion to nominate Roger Minton to the new BOD Technology Director position
    2. Ted Flynn seconded the motion, the motion passed
  4. Jingle Joy Retreat update
    1. Discussion of rooms to use
    2. Discussion of bills of this event
    3. Discussion of Paying Tim’s room ($100 a day/$400 for the retreat)
    4. Discussion of getting everything that is offered by Double JJ Resort to put it in writing
  5. Red Suit Conclave update
    1. Discussion of the need of creating a committee
    2. Discussion of classes to teach
  6. Website update
    1. Discussion of getting hits from all over the world for example, Canada, England, and China

New Business:

No new business


Adjourn Meeting

  • Harry Carlson made the motion to adjourn meeting
  • Ellen Terpening seconded the motion
  • Motion passed
  • Meeting ended 8:04 pm


Respectfully Submitted,


Ellen Terpening, PhD
