
Time stated 7:06 pm


Ted Flynn         Michael Howe             Ellen Terpening                       Michael Beurer

Randyl Lee      Roger Minton


PLEASE NOTE:  No BOD meetings were held in November and December 2021

Old Business:

  1. Website update from Roger:
    1. Total 333 active members
    2. 191 previous members login
    3. 33 active members daily
    4. Discussion of the website and the potential of uploading videos. May have a small storage fee.  There may be limits of size and how many videos per member.  Motion moved by Ted to allow members add videos with a size and number limit per member and MAPS would pay small storage fee.  Ellen seconded the motion.  The motion passed.


  1. Wrap-Up Dinner Update from Randyl:
  2. Will need help in folding programs
  3. Need help at the reception table with name tags and check in
  4. We will be doing a 50/50 raffle
  5. Bring a gift basket for drawing
  6. We will be auctioning off a first edition book
  7. Jingle Joy Retreat Update:
    1. Ted and Michael H. will go up early to negotiate rooms and spaces to use.
    2. Discussion of talent show and family time.
    3. Discussion of Santa Tim (Schools 4 Santa’s) doing a class at the retreat.


New Business:

  1. Michael B has set up a dinner the night before the Wrap-Up dinner at Granite City in Northville at 6:30 pm.
  2. Discussion of next President of Maps. Michael Howe volunteered. More discussion at next meeting.
  3. Discussion of adding Webmaster to the BOD.
  4. Discussion of revamping the BOD and Board direction.
  5. Discussion of adding a list of Santa Schools on MAPS website.
  6. Discussion of MAPS making video interviews of our Santa’s & Mrs. Clauses. Michael H. would do the interviews.



Treasurer’s Report:

(Per Harry via Facebook Messenger App)

“Our August account balance was $3,425.18

We had no other transactions until December.  In December we have had $1,874.80 in checks and credit card deposits and $1,964.68 in PayPal revenue.

Our current account balance is $7,264.66. I don’t have information on who paid us or how much.  Hopefully Roger can tell us that information.  Anyway, that $3,839.48 in revenue in December roughly equates to what we would expect for 98 dinners to pay.  Variations are because of credit card and PayPal fees, and because some Santa’s overpaid, giving us some donation money.”


  • M. Howe made the motion to adjourn meeting
  • M. Beurer second it
  • Motion passed
  • Meeting ended 8:04 pm


Respectfully Submitted


Ellen Terpening, PhD
