
Time stated 7:12 pm


Ted Flynn         Micheal Howe             Ellen Terpening                       Michael Beurer

Randyl Lee      Harry Carlson

Old Business:

  1. Discussion of proposed changes

Membership the Board of Directors of MAPS {“Board”) may create a Membership committee, consisting of at least one Board member, for the purpose of interviewing prospective members. The Board may permit the Membership committee to recommend new members or may choose to empower the Committee to accept new members. Categories of membership are:

MEMBER: A Michigan resident who is an experienced Santa Claus performer or other Christmas or Holiday performer including Mrs, Claus, Elf, Helper, or other Christmas related character, who subscribes to the Santa Oath and who states that they are interested in improving their performing skills and wish to meet and interact with other Santa and Christmas Holiday performers. OR Any individual who is voted into MAPS by the Board.

YOUTH, GUEST, OR HONORARY MEMBER: The Board may also create and accept YOUTH GUEST or HONORARY member categories at their discretion, provided, these members shall are not entitled to access to the membership list without permission from the BOD. Criteria for these memberships may be set by the BOD.

MEMBER IN MEMORIAM: Last Sleigh Ride Members shall remain permanently remembered in the records of MAPS unless removed by the Board. Removal from membership: A Member shall remain a member until they resign or are removed by vote of the Board. Inability to contact a member for over 1 year constitutes good reason to remove a member from membership but does not constitute a reason to not accept the member back if requested.

ARTICLE V: Amendments This Charter and the By-Laws may be amended by either of 2 ways: By vote and recommendation to the membership by the Board, or by any group of 5 members, provided that the proposed changes shall be presented to the membership via emails sent to each member at least 30 days in advance of a general membership meeting.

  1. Discussion when to present changes for voting
    1. BOD decided to 90 day and 30 days notices to present changes at the Double JJ Resort/Jingle Joy Retreat in June and voting to for changes at the Red Suit Conclave August 2022
  2. Bank signature update: Ellen called Wildfire bank again and was told the bank is still waiting for the electronic files to be returned from Bill.  Harry said he will follow up with the bank to add Ellen to the bank account.
  3. Discussion of the change of guard (President changes every 3 years according to bylaws) to be announced at the Wrap-Up dinner.
  4. Wrap-Up dinner discussion. On the wrap-up committee is the following:
    1. Norm Gerring
      • Chris (Chair of committee)
      • Sal Cid
      • Randyl Lee
      • Harry Carlson
      • Jim Tait
    2. Wrap-Up dinner will be held on 1/15/22 at 5 pm at Mama Mia’s, 27770 Plymouth Rd. Livonia, MI 48150
    3. Hotel discussion for members who will be staying the night. Randyl said he would create a hotel list and post it on the MAPS website.
  5. Memorial discussion regarding Larry Solce to have an evergreen planted in his honor. BOD concerns of setting a precedent because of cost is $200 and could not afford to do that for every member.  Howe suggested to send an email out to members for donations.  He will follow up with Roger to create an option for donating for Larry’s memorial evergreen tree.  If we get more donations needed for the tree, it was suggested that those monies be saved in a type of bereavement fund.  The BOD discussed this option.
    1. How made a motion to create a bereavement fund, second it by Randyl Lee, motion passed.
  6. Santa Tim Connaghan will be presenting a class at the Jingle Joy Retreat in June. This will be promoted starting in January 2022.

New Business:

  1. Is the Wrap-Up Committee part of MAPS or is it a separate entity?  Discussion followed: MAPS does pay for some of it but was told it was separate but then the wrap up dinner charges money from members.  A lot of confusion if the wrap up dinner is part of MAPS or is it a separate entity.  Also, in discussion the wrap up dinner/committee was created before MAPs was created.  BOD decided to table this discussion until January 2022
  2. Need a new Chair for the Wrap-up committee because Chris stated this was her last year. Discussion followed.  No decision as of yet.

Treasurer’s Report:

$3.425.18 in checking account, no changes since last month-per Harry Carlson

  • Howe made the motion to adjourn
  • Beurer second it
  • Motion passed
  • Meeting ended 8:01 pm

Meeting ended 8:01 pm

Respectfully Submitted,


Ellen Terpening, PhD
