Michigan Association of Professional Santas Board of Directors Meeting 07/09/2024

The Michigan Association of Professional Santa’s regular board meeting was called order on July 9, 2024 at 6:58 PM by President Michael Beurer, impromptu meeting theme of hat, wearing was the order for the evening! Those attendants were President Michael Beurer, Michael Howe, Randall Wagoner, Roger Minton, Ted Flynn, Shawn White, Kathy Norred, Jim Jordan and recording secretary Melissa Rickard.

  • President Michael Beurer asked that we have this meeting expedited secondary to another meeting.
  • Minutes were approved as read. Membership report 472 members total was announced by Roger Minton our technology officer. Roger also mentioned that Mel called a few of the new members and there’s about 36 total left to call.
  • Under finance paperwork for checks sent in it has been a painful month of the bank and it’s been slow going our bank teller is difficult to get a hold of us. She does not work every day. We’re waiting on signature from Billy. Cannot do anything until signatures are done.
  • Technology report by Roger Minton Roger states Tech is going well. There was a small hiccup with the count for red suit conclave a problem came up with it failing to register the second ticket. It was fixed immediately by Roger. Roger also talked about emails to be sent about our  Founding Fathers Jim Taits funeral service, and if folks are not attending red suit conclave for the they can go to the service or attend it before they go to red suit conclave.
  • Under events committee, Jim Jordan report started with Roger asking to know the final class count and who is teaching what that way he can make a post and send an email.
  • Ted is taking care of programs. Shawn emailed names of two classes. Jim did not get it Shawn will resend the email, so pamphlet and website will match.
  • Bruce Kotowich will take full hour of voice control and stage presence,  this class will be called “Working the stage with Dr. Bruce” he’ll be taking over Michael and Michael’s improv class slot.
  • Roger will make reusable name tags with lanyards. We have plenty of lanyards left from before. Looking for help with signage and decorations, etc. Jim has banners President Beurer said bring any decorations they have and we will make it look Christmassy . Mel talked about vendors will try to wrap vendors up by Monday with Roger.Rooftop landing. has already held time for jingle joy next year. The ballroom at four points is reserved for us at red suit conclave
  • Executive report Mel will do the Sunday service at the red suit conclave. a brief discussion was had about fond memories and Roger will post about Founding Father Jim Taits’s funeral service
  • President Michael Beurer and Michael Howe had a conversation with our Founding Father Norm Gerring, Norm shared his insight, vast wisdom and advice on the operation and legacy of MAPS. The meeting ended amicably.
  • Under old business, we are looking for someone to start to take over the wrap-up banquet and would like to have it done by the last couple of weeks. Joe Eadie’s name was thrown out as a possible person to take over it.
  • Roger will make name tags for the boards that say board member , that way if their title changes, they’ll still have a name tag that identifies them as a board member.
  • Jim talked about the 501 C3 account about being tax deductible, we will add it, Once accounts can be switched over. The board talked about the account being switched to the right address.
  • Donna Forman a photographer, has requested membership to MAPS and reached out to Mel and Roger. There was a discussion about Donna becoming a member. President Beurer has checked the bylaws anyone who hires Santa is not allowed membership by the bylaws of MAPS and examples were given.  For example Spangle the Clown could join as he is a Santa as well. It was discussed if we make an exception-if we open the doors we have to open them to them all. Another example on who CAN be a member is Rooftop Landing Reindeer Farm, as part of the community as they provide reindeer and any member rooftop landing will be a member for sure of MAPS as they are support staff as referenced in article II.
  • We discussed about our board meetings and possibly a theme for each one of them to create inclusivity and fun.
President Beurer wound the meeting down to close. There was motion to adjourn the meeting by Michael Howe seconded by Shawn White the meeting was closed at 7:37 PM.
The next meeting will be August 4 at The Red Suit Conclave with  membership and the Board of Directors present.
Respectively Submitted with Christmas Love and Magic,
Melissa Lynn Rickard
AKA Santa Mel
Recording Secretary MAPS