
Meeting started 7:03 pm

In attendance:

Ted Flynn         Micheal Howe             Ellen Terpening           Michael Beurer

Randyl Lee      Harry Carlson              Bill Howarth                Roger Minton


  1. Discussion of Jingle Joy Retreat 2022
    1. Santa Tim Connaghan will come to the retreat for a one-day class
    2. Ted will look into getting a room for Sunday since Double JJ resort closes early
  2. Discussion of Bylaws & Charter
  3. Discussion of new website logins
    1. Old website had 311 members
    2. As of 8/7/21 a 159 members have logged in the new website, that is about 51%
  4. Lunch Time Larry ( Larry Solce) passed away
    1. Discussion of memorial service
    2. Discussion of adding him to the website under “last sleigh ride”
  5. Discussion of MAPS inventory list
    1. This is the inventory of everything that’s left for sale,
      1. 112 Maps car stickers
      2. 5 Red business card holders
  • 49 Challenge coins
  1. 19 Maps lapel pins
  2. 5. 3/4” Picture of Santa on it, suit buttons
  3. 6 1” Gold Santa suit buttons
  • 8 Snowflakes (give away item)
  • Discussion of what to order of old items
  1. New items discussion
    1. Hats
    2. Ornaments
    3. Shirts
  2. Treasurers Report
    1. Treasurer’s Report July beginning balance: $4,212.50
    2. Withdrawals: SVRC (Red suit meeting room charge) $400.00
  • July ending bal: $3,812.50
  1. August beginning balance: $3,812.50
  2. Withdrawals: Insurance 784.00 Michael Howe (Reimburse for pizza run at JJ Resort) $71.42
  3. Ted Flynn (Reimburse for guest’s hotel room) $115.44
  • Clausible (Reimburse Roger Minton’s LLC for website fee.) Roger stated he would settle up with Maps for the website every quarter
  • $315.00 Total withdrawals: $1,285.86
  1. Deposits (Donations:) $898.54
  2. August ending balance: $3,425.18




Motion to adjourn by M. Howe

Second it by Randyl Lee

Motion passed

Meeting ended 8:16 pm


Respectfully Submitted,


Ellen Terpening, PhD
