
Time started 7:01 pm

Ted Flynn         Micheal Howe             Ellen Terpening                       Michael Beurer

Randyl Lee      Harry Carlson              Roger Minton

  1. New website discussion
    1. Discussion about emailing in alphabet order by last name and first name
    2. Discussion of who can send out emails
      1. Discussion of Ellen sending out emails to Mrs. Clauses
    3. Discussion of how to share job opportunities on the new website
    4. Discussion of overall questions about the new website
  2. Discussion of MAPS social media presence
    1. Discussion of MAPS on YouTube, Instagram, etc.
    2. Discussion of classes on our Facebook
    3. Discussion of MAPS classes on zoom and google classroom
  3. Discussion of Bylaws change
    1. Discussion of mentorship for new Santa’s & Mrs. Clauses
    2. Correction needed in Article 2: Misspelled Mrs. Clauses and needs correction
  4. Wrap up discussion of Red Suit Conclave
    1. Need more vendors
    2. Better flow
    3. Lunch on Sunday
    4. More options for hotel


Motion to adjourn M. Howe

Second it Ellen Terpening

Motion passed


Meeting ended 8:07 pm


Respectfully Submitted,


Ellen Terpening, PhD
