Meeting started 7:03 pm
In attendance:
Ted Flynn Micheal Howe Ellen Terpening Norman Gerring Michael Beurer
Jim Jordan Harry Carlson Bill Howarth
- Discussion of July 24th camp event:
- Need final count so Michael can buy burgers
- Discussion of the White Elephant Auction
- Discussion of Jingle Joy Retreat:
- MAPS need to refund Michael for Pizza that he bought for dinner for everyone.
- Harry stated we made almost $500 from the Jingle Joy Retreat
- Treasurers Report:
- $4217.50 in account
- $58 of bills paid out
- Harry sent a check out for the Red Suit Conclave
- Discussion of Bank account:
- Fritz is still one of the 3 signers of the bank account. Since Fritz moved MAPS needs a new signer.
- Ted motioned for Ellen to be the 3rd Harry second it. The BOD all voted yes for Ellen Terpening to be the 3rd signer on the checking account.
- Harry will send Ellen the electronic information
- Discussion of the By-Laws
- Discussion of some changes
- Discussion of notice to steering assembly meeting
- Discussion of changes to articles must have 3-month notice-might have to be at the wrap of meeting to present
- Discussion about creating an apprentice membership for Santas & Mrs. Clauses for 1 year. If not active, then dropped
- Discussion of a mentor assigned
- Membership discussion for youth, associate membership are categories now.
- Discussion of active membership
- Discussion of guest membership for adults and children.
- Discussion of out of state membership
- Discussion of eliminating the phrase of “resident of Michigan & legal age”
- Harry volunteered to re-write these discussed changes for review for the By-laws
- Discussion of Red Suit Conclave
- Ted is having problems with confirming the restaurant, Street Grill on pierce road.
- Ted will look into Holiday in for a gather room for us
- Ted will print of Red Suit Conclave programs
- Sherry will not be coming as a vendor this year
- Michael needs tables for swap meet
- Have to be out by 5 pm both days
- Discussion of how many people will be coming
- Nancy Sak volunteer to do guest sign in table
- Tim Terpening will be a door greeter and will take pictures
- Larry will get the cookies
- We will have hot water, coffee & decaf
- Mitch Allen from HireSanta will be a guest speaker
- MAPS will be pay for his room at the Holiday Inn Express
- Bill will be bringing coffee pots & 50/50 raffle tickets
- Discussion of MAPS supplies:
- Bill stated that MAPS items for sale are very low
- Discussion of what items are needed
- Ted will call his hat person
Norm Gerring stated he was retiring from MAPS BOD.
Ted motion to adjourn
Second it by M. Howe
Motion passed
Meeting ended 8:05 pm
Note: These minutes are the personal notes of Ellen Terpening and were taken in because the secretary was not able too.