
Time stated 7:00 pm


Michael Howe                   Roger Minton                    Randyl Lee           Ted Flynn             Jim Jordan

Ellen Terpening                 Harry Carlson                     Michael Beurer



  1. Minutes were postponed until the next BOD meeting.




Treasurer’s Report: 

  1. Balance is $4853.66
  2. All bills have been paid and Harry is following up on receipts turned in.
  3. Harry Carlson made the motion that BOD open a new bank account for MAPS nonprofit.
    1. Michael Beurer seconded the motion.
    2. Motion carried.
  4. Ellen Terpening will write a letter to the bank that lists the BOD that also includes partial minutes which includes of the BOD voting to open a new account.
  5. The signers on the account will be Harry Carlson-Treasurer, Billie Howarth-Assistant Treasurer, and Ellen McCardell-Terpening, Secretary.
  1. The current Board of Directors are the following:

Michael Howe, Pres.       Michael Beurer, VP          Harry Carlson, Treas.       Billie Howarth, Asst. Treas.

Ellen McCardell-Terpening, Sec.                                  Ted Flynn                             Jim Jordan

Randyl Lee                           Roger Minton


IT Report:  Roger Minton stated he had nothing new to report.

Wrap-Up Update:

  1. Randyl Lee stated that he has a Wrap-Up Committee zoom meeting tomorrow night.
  2. Randyl Lee stated that the hotel will be changing from Holiday Inn Express to Best Western due to Holiday Inn Express deposit changes.
  3. Randyl Lee stated that he paid for the entertainment and to consider that his donation to MAPS.
  4. Michael Beurer will be the MC for the event.
  5. Randyl Lee stated he will get all the Wrap-Up information to Roger Minton by Friday so that he can get it on the MAPS website.
  6. The seat limit for the Wrap-Up is 120 people.


Jingle Joy Update:

  1. Michael Howe stated that he will be locking up the dates for Jingle Joy 2024 at the Rooftop Landing Reindeer Farm. Those dates are 6/6/24-6/8/24.


Old Business:

  1. Tim Terpening sent Michael Howe the nonprofit documents and bylaws that was Requested.
  2. Michael Howe sent the nonprofit documents and bylaws to the BOD to review.
  3. Ellen Terpening reminded and explained to the BOD that quarterly reports must be posted on the MAPS website like the minutes are for transparency. The Treasurer must also file Annual Returns of MAPS income and expenses with the IRS even though we are exempt.
    1. Discussion followed.
  1. Michael Howe asked Ellen Terpening if Tim Terpening could create a quarterly report document for the BOD to follow.
  2. Ellen Terpening also reminded and explained that the BOD must file an Annual Report each year and post it on the MAPS website like the minutes are for transparency.
    1. Discussion followed.
  3. Michael Howe stated that in the bylaws page 4 Article 6 should be corrected by adding the word “NOT.” It should be said that family members are NOT allowed to be on the BOD.
    1. Discussion followed.
  4. Ellen Terpening reminded and explained the BOD that when the BOD is voting a majority vote is required when the motion is carried. It is not a unanimous vote when running a nonprofit organization.
    1. Discussion followed.
  5. Ellen Terpening suggested creating a job description and requirements for each position on the board and for committee members to be considered for election.
    1. Discussion followed.
  6. Michael Howe proposed that Article 10 should state members will be notified 30 days prior of any change of the bylaws the BOD makes.
  7. Randyl Lee made a motion for Billie Howarth and Jim Jordan to be Co-Head Chairmen of the Events Committee.
    1. Michael Beurer seconded the motion.
    2. Motion carried.


New Business:

  1. Jim Jordan suggested that each event be reconciled to keep better track of each event’s expenses, including 50/50, sales of MAPS merchandise, auctions, etc. This will help the future BOD with how much it requires and what is needed to run each of the event’s MAPS holds.
    1. Discussion followed.
    2. Jim Jordan stated he would create a document for the BOD and Committees to follow.
  2. Ted Flynn suggested that MAPS offer scholarships for other Santa Schools.
    1. Discussion followed.


Next BOD meeting will be 10/10/23.


Adjourn Meeting

  1. Ted Flynn made the motion to adjourn the meeting.
  1. Jim Jordan seconded the motion.
  2. Motion carried.
  3. Meeting ended 8:00 pm



Respectfully Submitted,



Ellen Terpening, PhD
