
Time stated 7:02 pm


Michael Howe             Ellen Terpening                       Jim Jordan                   Michael Beurer

Harry Carlson              Roger Minton                          Ted Flynn                     Bill Howarth

Randyl Lee



October minutes are postponed until the next meeting. Ellen was not at the October BOD meeting, so she was not able to take the minutes.  Michael Howe said he would send Ellen a recording of the meeting so she can take the  October meeting minutes.


No reports


 Treasurer’s Report:

$6845.05 in the checking.


Old Business:

  1. Wrap-Up Dinner event discussion:
    1. The Wrap-Up event has 113 paid. Randyl stated that should be enough to pay the bill for the Wrap-Up.  The cost for each person is $44.00.  We are being charged $38.00 per person and the extra pays for additional costs of the Wrap-Up.
    2. Randyl stated that the final count he turned in was 125. He said there are several that are paying cash or check at the door. Randyl stated he believed there were only 3 spots left available.  Bill said he may know of some people who wanted to attend but missed the cut off.
    3. Roger stated he will be making the name tags and provide a check in list.
    4. Randyl stated the Wrap-Up committee meeting was last night and all the details have been finalized except needing to decorate when we get there.
    5. Roger will be bringing his photo booth
    6. Tim Terpening will be doing the prayer before the meal.
    7. There will be brunch on Sunday at the Pantry.


  1. IT update:
    1. Roger stated that he turned off the PayPal part of the website because of an error that happened with the update. Roger will be looking into that error.
    2. Roger stated we have 394 members registered.


  1. JJ Retreat discussion:
    1. Michael H. discussed having Santa True to teach classes at the Jingle Joy Retreat.
      1. Santa True creates the CPW (Christmas Performer Workshops) and is a professional Storyteller.
    2. The cost would be $250.00 per person. To book Santa True is a $600.00 Retainer Fee.  There is space for 40-50 people for his classes.
    3. Santa True will require 20 people to sign up/$5000.00 minimum. If MAPS is short Michael Howe stated, he would pay the difference of the shortage.
    4. MAPS will have to collect monies for Santa True and pay him at Jingle Joy.
    5. Jingle Joy will be the first weekend in June.
    6. Michael Howe stated he will have information about Jingle Joy and Santa True’s classes at the Wrap-Up dinner.
    7. Vote was taken to book Santa True:
      1. Randlyl made the motion to book Santa True to teach the classes at Jingle Joy Retreat.
      2. Ted Seconded the motion; Motion Carried.


  1. Insurance Policy update discussion: Jim asked for an update.  Michael Howe stated if you have your own liability insurance then you are covered.  Michael Howe stated that MAPS will not be paying for the MAPS Insurance Policy anymore.  Michael Howe stated that basically everyone who is Santa Claus/performer has their own liability insurance, so it is not needed.  Harry stated that is not true and he does not have liability insurance. More discussion followed.  Jim stated that MAPS could get sued.
    1. The BOD will have Tim Terpening who is an independent agent, to attend the next meeting to discuss if MAPS needs to have its own liability insurance.


5. LLC vs Non-Profit Update:

    1. Harry stated that MAPS has never filed for taxes or a Schedule C. Ellen stated that MAPS is registered with the state of Michigan as an LLC and should be filing taxes.  Harry stated that MAPS is a non-profit and shouldn’t have to file.  Ellen stated again that MAPS is registered as a LLC.  Michael Howe stated that we need to change the LLC to a non-profit as soon as possible.  Michael Howe asked if Tim Terpening could still help with this matter.  Discussion followed.  The BOD will have Tim Terpening attend the next meeting to talk about the steps to change to a non-profit.  (Note:  Tim Terpening is very familiar with filing state paperwork for non-profits.  On average, he does this once a month for other people’s businesses.)

New Business:

  1. The family of Big Wave Dave will be brining some of his suits to MAPS. He passed away and his family would like to donate them to MAPS minus the cost to dry clean them.
    1. Big Wave Dave will be in the Last Sleigh Ride presentation at the Wrap-Up and on the website.


Next BOD meeting is 2/7/23 at 7:00 pm.


Adjourn Meeting

  • Ellen made the motion to adjourn meeting
  • Bill seconded the motion
  • Motion carried
  • Meeting ended 8:04 pm


Respectfully Submitted,


Ellen Terpening, PhD
