MAPS Board of Director’s Meeting April 9th, 2024

**Minutes of the MAPS Board of Directors Meeting**
**April 9th, 2024**

The MAPS Board of Directors convened on April 9th, 2024, at 1900, with President Michael Beurer presiding. The meeting was called to order, with President Beurer extending a warm welcome to all attendees and expressing gratitude to Michael Howe for his dedicated service to MAPS over the past three years. President Beurer also congratulated Shawn White on the success of her inaugural course taught with Ed Taylor, with approximately 60 attendees. The agenda for this meeting was approved. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Melissa Rickard, the recording secretary, and were unanimously approved as read after a motion by Billy Howarth and seconded by Shawn White.


**Finance (Harry/Billy):** Billy announced that Kathy Norred had accepted the position of treasurer for the upcoming term. Discussions ensued regarding the accessibility of quarterly financial reports to members, with Michael Howe confirming their availability on the website. The report highlighted the need to file a 990EZ tax form due to incoming funds <$50,000. Various credit union options were explored, with a preference expressed for Dearborn and Genesis Credit Unions. President Beurer made an executive motion to table the bank account move until further research is completed, a decision unanimously agreed upon by the Board.

Billy proposed the idea of selling shirts but we are low on our other retail items as well from cups to business card holders and everything in between. The MAPS Challenge coins are expensive to produce but they sell well and are highly collectible. Billy is also looking at car stickers that go inside the car and will send the board a list of current retail inventory items. Restocking the items will not take long as producing them has a quick turnaround. Some of the board members have tubs of retinal items and they can either bring to Ricos to check inventory. Jim Jordan suggested that the board members who have tubs write a paper inventory of their items instead of bringing tubs into Ricos. Billy thanked President Michael Beurer for allowing him to report early as he has a Freemason meeting to attend. Jim Jordan asked Billy what retail items sell the most. Per Billy it seems that pens and stickers sell the most, patches in the past have sold very well and he would like to look into that again. Coffee mugs are hard to sell but make a great giveaway to presenters, etc. Billy also mentioned he has 50/50 tickets and can get more if needed.

**Event Committee:**
The events committee had a meeting last night. Michael Howe will be checking with Rooftop Landing folks about teaching a class about reindeer. A Basic outline for the Red Suit Conclave is in the works. Melissa Rickard will officiate over the Sunday Service at the Red Suit Conclave. The committee is actively looking for instructors. Kathy and Shawn would like to talk more about teaching during this event as well and would like to have a meeting before 4/22/24 as Jim Jordan would like some ideas by then. It was brought up that Improv is a course that a lot of members would like. Jim noted that was all the event committee had until they meet. Jim also thanked Randyl for doing great event forms and asked if he could possibly send them to Roger to post on the website vs Google Drive.

Michael Beurer thanked everyone for their trust and is blessed that this is the family he chose. If there is anything he can do to help at any time he encouraged members to come forward as we are better together, stressing that every voice needs to be heard. Michael stated how we make this job easier for him as we are a team.

**New Business:**
Shawn White asked and wanted to see if there was a “Vision” on where MAPS would like to be, as we evolve and strengthen the foundation we will look to see more projection in the future. Ted Flynn stated that this organization is a social and educational group., we have accepted members from all over and that has helped out the organization. The original MAPS concept is indeed Social and education- We are not a fundraising club like Great lakes but will support their mission. Michael Beurer stated that education is key with the social structure, we can continue to concentrate on the social/education template as it is working well for the organization. Shawn White noted that she is starting to gain a following and would like to help out our organization that is why she asked the question if there was a vision for the future, as every member that is attending a large audience or school seems to bring up MAPS as our organizations platform is that we are better together and support diversity and inclusion. Michael Howe noted a that a goal to have more members is never a goal to have. A goal is to share, communicate, and focus on skillsets, have great fellowship and members will come. Ted Reminded us of the movie quote from Field of Dreams “If you build it they will come”.

Roger checked there are ~300 members on the website and if no one logs in for an extended time the inactive members are removed from the website. Since all of us have vast connections and networks if we hear of a MAPS Christmas performer that passes away to please let Roger know so that The Last Sleigh Ride and the website can be updated. Shawn white added that in honor of Cathy Kage she wore Cathy’s top last night during her workshop at Ed Taylors WWSCN in Cathy’s honor. Board members had a change to voice a topic. Ted Flynn asked all to keep Harry in their prayers, also Randyl needs prayers to get better too. Kathy Norred thanked Melissa Rickard for the clear minutes of the past meetings. Some events are coming up such as lunch at Ricos, Canada and Lapeer and ISC are coming up fast Michael Howe, Michael Beurer and Charlie are all teaching on Friday afternoon.

A motion to adjourn was made by Kathy Norred and Seconded by Jim Jordan. No Questions or further concerns were brought before the board, With a unanimous vote the meeting was adjourned at 1937. A reminder that the next Board of Directors meeting is May 14th.

Respectfully Submitted with Christmas Love and Magic,
Melissa Rickard aka Santa Mel