April 14, 2020


APRIL 14, 2020 ONLINE (per ZOOM program)

Next meeting May 12 at 7pm (per ZOOM program)

Attendance: Ted Flynn, Norman Gerring, Harry Carlson, Billy Howarth, Fritz Schmidt, Jim Jordan

​​ Guest: Michael Howe

President Flynn opened meeting at 7:00pm.

Treasurers’ report moved to end of meeting.

New Business:

1) Red Suit Conclave discussed concerning if it should be planned.

Motion: To make plans starting now for the RSC, and if the future we must cancel we can. ​Motion by Norm Gerring, 2nd by Billy Howarth; passed.

Suggested classes:

  • a) Business of Being Santa
  • b) Answering children’s questions
  • c) Magic by ​Santa
  • d) Money and how to manage it
  • e) Mall Santas
  • f) Independent Santas
  • g) Women group

2) Discussed how to handle a budget for restocking MAPS Merchandise. Not enough information in order to budget a specific amount.

​Motion: To use a text message to the Board for approval of cost when needed. Motion by Harry ​Carlson, 2nd by Norm Gerring; passed.

3) Billy Howarth never received his MAPS ID card. Norm will follow up on this.

4) Treasurers Report: $3555.32 with balance of $5 sent when old account is closed by old Treasurer. ​Harry is having a great deal of trouble opening a bank account and mentioned we may need to change our current Charter. This is an ongoing situation with more to report next month.

Meeting closed at 7:51pm.

Minutes by Norm Gerring, Recording Sec Pro Tem