Board of Directors meeting minutes May 14, 2023

**Minutes of the Board Director Meeting**
**Date: May 14, 2027**

**Call to Order:**
The meeting was called to order by President Michael Beurer at 7:00 PM.

**Roll Call:**
– President Michael Beurer
– Michael Howe
– Ted Flynn
– Sean White
– Randall Wagoner
– Melissa Rickard
– Jim Jordan

**Reading and Approval of Minutes:**
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

1. **Membership:**
– The MAPS membership is growing with new members joining weekly.
– Roger proposed forming a membership committee. Ted Flynn, Melissa Rickard, and President Michael Beurer expressed interest in serving on this committee.

2. **Finance:**
– No finance committee members were present.
– The treasurer, Kathy Norred, will need a copy of these minutes to proceed with the following banking updates: removing Harry Carlson and Ellen McCardell-Terpening, and adding Kathy Norred and President Michael Beurer.
– Motion by Ted Flynn to add Kathy Norred and President Michael Beurer to the banking documents. Seconded by Sean White. Motion passed unanimously.

3. **Technology:**
– The Tech website had issues but is now performing better according to Roger’s notes.

4. **Events:**
– Jim Jordan reported that preparations for Jingle Joy are on track, with a budget of $30 per person for lunch, totaling $1020 for 34 people.
– Payments of $4000 to Santa True and $2400 to Rooftop Landing Reindeer Farms were approved.
– Carol Nichols will be involved in developing Mrs. Claus’s classes for the Red Suit Conclave.
– Sean White will assist at the registration table. Jim Jordan is organizing a class on hospital visits, which sparked a brief discussion on its potential impact. Ted Flynn assured the board it would be beneficial.
– Details for Jingle Joy include a reindeer lecture by Dave from Rooftop Landing, and a reindeer making session by Joe Grande. The reindeer will be available for viewing from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM on Saturday, followed by a lecture at 1:00 PM. There will also be food trucks available.

**Committee Reports:**
– The next Events Committee meeting will be held at Rooftop Landing Reindeer Farm on June 1.

**President’s Report:**
– President Beurer reported on the Memphis ISC, highlighting the return of Santa Nana to Michigan in 2026 and the enjoyable nature of the course.
– 40% of ISC presenters were CPW. graduates, and the parade was noted as a fun event.

**Old Business:**
– The recording secretary will provide the minutes to Kathy by the first week of June.
– Kathy and Bruce have recently moved to the Flint suburbs.

**New Business:**
– The class list for the Red Suit Conclave is still being finalized, and there is no confirmed location for ISC 2026. IBRBS is seeking chapters to host the event.
– President Beurer suggested the possibility of hosting ISC 2026 on Mackinac Island, but Ted Flynn noted the high costs. Partnering with Ohio was suggested as an alternative.
– Bill discussed ordering supplies: 72 coffee mugs ($765), 50 coins ($471), and 100 coins ($561). Stickers are $2 each. Discussions ensued about the necessity of these items.
– A minimum donation system was proposed to cover production costs.

– President Beurer asked for any additional comments or suggestions. Hearing none, a motion to adjourn was made by Melissa Rickard and seconded by Randall Wagoner.

– The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM.
– Next Directors meeting: June 11 at 7:00 PM.
– Reminder of Jingle Joy event!

Submitted with Christmas love and magic

Melissa Lynn Rickard, Recording Secretary