Michigan Association of Professional Santas Board of Directors meeting 09/10/2024

MAPS Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

**Date:** September 10, 2024

**I. Call to Order**

– **Time:** Meeting was Called to Order By President Michael Beurer at 6+57PM
– **Chairperson:** Michael Beurer
– **Attendees** President Michael Beurer, Michael Howe, Ted Flynn, Melissa Rickard, Randyl Wagner, Shawn White and Kathy Norred

**II. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes**

– **Motion:** To approve the minutes from the previous meeting held on 08/04/2024 at Red Suit Conclave. Minutes were read by Secretary Melissa Rickard. With a date correction in paragraph 1 that needs to be changed from April to August.

– **Moved to approve Minutes with Changes By:**Ted Flynn
– **Seconded By:** Michael Howe
– **Outcome:**  Approved

Roger Technology report+ Would like to form an off board committee to approve new members, this sparked discussion and will have to have a board member on the committee.

Treasurer’s Report (August 2024)

  • Financial Overview:
    • Total Picture Red Suit Conclave 2024 Expenditures:
      • Room Rental:
        • Deposit (4/11/2024): $200.00
        • Deposit (5/8/2024): $75.00
        • Final Payment: $787.25
      • Miscellaneous Supplies: $220.20
      • Printing: $176.07
      • Total Room Rental Costs: $787.25
      • Total Miscellaneous Costs: $396.27
      • Total Expenditures for August: $1,543.80
    • Revenues:
      • 50/50 Drawing: $197.00
      • Donations & Merchandise Sales: $590.25
      • Total Revenues: $787.25
    • Net Gain/Loss:
      • Net Loss for August: $(756.55)
    • Bank Account Summary:
      • Balance as of 7/31/2024: $8,771.72
      • Balance as of 8/31/2024: $8,015.17
      • Difference: $(756.55)
  • Additional Notes:
    • New signatures were approved for both bank accounts on 7/31/2024.
    • Ordered new checkbooks and a debit card in August; one set of checkbooks has been given to Billie.
    • Roger has updated the website to coordinate with the new bank account; the old bank account is in the process of being closed, and funds are being transferred.
    • On 8/29, an accountant was consulted regarding the tax-exempt status of MAPS. Form 1023EZ was filed on 9/4/2024 for 501(c)(3) status with a $275.00 fee. Form 990-N cannot be submitted until 501(c)(3) status is approved.
    • A question was raised about the necessity of making a deposit for the banquet room for the Wrap-up Dinner.
  • Actions:
    • Determine if a deposit is required for the banquet room for the Wrap-up Dinner.


**III. Grievance Process and Board Transparency**

– **Discussion:** The board considered creating a grievance process as a feedback system aimed at fostering more constructive communication. The change responds to a member’s dissatisfaction with the board’s operations and seeks to enhance transparency and inclusivity.

– **Proposal:** To open board meetings quarterly to all members to improve transparency and engage more effectively with the membership.

– **Resignation:** The board acknowledged the resignation of Jim Jordan from the Events Board and discussed the recommendation of Chris as a potential replacement.

– **Actions:**
– **Ted Flynn:** To reach out to the member who expressed dissatisfaction to gain a clearer understanding of their concerns and grievances.
– **Michael Howe:** To engage with Steve and Deb regarding their potential roles as instructors for Jinglejoy, leveraging existing relationships and preparing for event planning.

FYI Chris Terry to fill the vacancy left by Jim Jordan and  board will determine if Chris should participate in board meetings to stay updated.

**IV. Event Planning**

– **Discussion:** The board reviewed the outcomes of the Red Conclave and discussed future events, including Jinglejoy. The board expressed appreciation for those who contributed to the success of the Red Suit Conclave.

– **Instructors:** The board explored the idea of inviting Steve and Deb as new instructors for Jinglejoy to introduce fresh perspectives and enhance the event’s appeal.

– **Actions:**
To proceed with discussions and planning with Steve and Deb regarding their involvement as instructors for Jinglejoy

**VI. New Business**

Melissa Attended the Mid America Santa:s Meeting in Kansas City Via Zoom where they had good things to say about MAPS

Also, Secretary Melissa sent a card to Sherri Heath on the loss of her husband

**VII. Adjournment**

– **Motion:** To adjourn the meeting.
– **Moved By:**Kathy Norred
– **Seconded By:** Shawn White
– **Vote:** Unanimous
– **Outcome:** Approved
– **Time of Adjournment:** 7+48 PM

**VIII. Next Meeting**

– **Date:** October 8th, 2024 Last Meeting Before the Season
– **Time:** 7PM
– **Location:** Zoom

Respectfully Submitted with Christmas Love and Magic,

Melissa Rickard

Santa Mel