2025-01-14 BOD Notes

Michigan Association of Professional Santas
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2025
6:54 PM

The regular Board of Directors meeting for the Michigan Association of Professional Santas (MAPS) was called to order by President Michael Beurer at 6:54 PM on January 14, 2025. Board members in attendance included Michael Howell, Michael Beurer, Ted Flynn, Kathy Norred, Roger Minton, Melissa Rickard, Chris Terry, Billy, and Jim Jordan.

MAPS MEMBER Mrs. Claus and Elf Staci Beurer was present to talk about the Wrap u p Banquet

Welcome and Opening Remarks
President Michael Beurer welcomed all attendees and expressed his hope that everyone had a successful holiday season. He looked forward to a productive discussion.

Reading of the Minutes
The reading of the minutes from the previous meeting was moved to February due to a technical issue. Melissa Rickard, the Recording Secretary, was unable to retrieve the minutes due to a “Blue Screen of Death” on her computer.

Membership Report
Roger Minton reported that there are currently 60 people waiting to join, with 45 pending memberships. The Michigan Association of Professional Santas currently has 482 regular members. Roger emphasized the need to establish a membership committee, drawn from the club membership, to engage with new members and help build the group. Two volunteers will be trained to assist with the onboarding process. A question was raised regarding the vetting process for new members, ensuring that applicants are Christmas performers rather than agents or photographers, and that they are entertainers only. Roger, Herbie, and Michael Howell are willing to train two individuals for this role.

Technology Report
Roger Minton reported that there have been ongoing issues with the website, which has been slow and difficult to navigate. As a result, an off-site app has been used for reservations for the upcoming wrap-up banquet.

Motion Regarding Dissolution of MAPS
A motion was made by Ted Flynn, seconded by Michael Howell, that in the event of the dissolution of MAPS, the organization’s assets would be distributed to Toys for Tots. The motion was put to a vote and carried unanimously. Kathy Norred reminded the board that this beneficiary could be changed at any time.

Financial Report- Kathy Norred

Wildfre Bank Statement 9/30/2024 $7,745.19
10/18/2024 Ck #1041 Red Suit Supplies -123.88
10/25/2024 Stripe payment 117.86
11/27/2024 ck #1001 Challenge Coins -716.56
12/02/2024 SVRC Refund 125.00
Stripe Payments December $2,998.40
Wildre Bank Statement 12/31/2024 $10,146.01
The IRS contacted me in late November requesting more information on our
organization, including a list of activities, how the activities further our exempt
purposes, actual revenue and expenses for two years, and a forecast for the future
year. This information was provided on November 21.
On January 4, our agent called again and indicated that we need to add the
following dissolution clause to our Articles of Incorporation to be considered for
501C3 status:
Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, educational
purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to
organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section
of any future federal tax code.
Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for
one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of
the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal
tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state
or local government, for a public purpose

Wrap-Up Banquet Update
Staci Beurer reported that 100 people are expected to attend the wrap-up banquet. So far, $5,000 has been raised to cover the hall and food costs, with $3,780 spent so far. An additional $700 has been spent on decorations and other expenses. Ted Flynn will oversee the registration desk with Chris Terry and his wife, and volunteers are asked to arrive between 4:00 and 4:30 PM for set-up. The event will begin at 5:30 PM, and programs will be printed. Michelle Greatly has generously donated centerpieces for the event. Mike and Charlie will provide entertainment and trivia. Board members agreed that the event will be a wonderful occasion, with attendees dressing up to support the theme of “Christmas Around the World.”

New Business

  1. Selling Santa Suits and Supplies
    Roger Minton mentioned that Amanda Carrie’s niece had expressed interest in selling Santa suits, wigs, and supplies. Staci Beurer also reported that a widow had contacted her regarding selling suits. Roger noted that in the past, anyone wishing to sell items at the wrap-up banquet had to purchase a ticket, and a portion of the sales must be donated to MAPS. Ted Flynn disagreed, stating that the wrap-up banquet is not an appropriate venue for sales and suggested that events like Jingle Joy or the RedSuit Conclave would be better suited for such transactions. The board agreed to advise individuals wishing to sell items to consider attending RedSuit Conclave instead.
  2. Honoring Founding Members
    Ted Flynn raised concerns about the lack of recognition for Harry, a founding member of MAPS, who had passed away. A spirited discussion ensued, with various members advocating for better communication regarding the passing of members. Herbie had initially planned to say a few words about Harry at the wrap-up banquet, but this sparked a broader conversation about the need to honor all members who have passed. It was agreed that communication about the passing of members should be more timely and inclusive.
  3. Jingle Joy and Future Events
    Stephen and Deb are confirmed as the hosts for Jingle Joy, with the date still to be determined. The reindeer farm venue from last year received high praise, and the hotel was excellent, so it is likely that this location will be used again. Chris Terry will take over the education aspect of the event. Michael Howell will contact Steve to confirm the best date for the event, considering either June 5th or 7th, or May 29th, 30th, and 31st.
  4. Officer Nominations
    Randall Wagner submitted a resignation letter to the board, which was received and acknowledged. Melissa Rickard was nominated to serve as Vice President, and Chris Terry was nominated to serve as a Member-at-Large by Michael Howell. A motion to elect Chris Terry as Member-at-Large was made by Ted Flynn, seconded by Kathy Norred, and passed unanimously. After a spirited discussion, Ted Flynn conceded that he would not stand in the way of Melissa Rickard assuming the Vice President role, and a vote was taken. The board voted in favor of Melissa Rickard as Vice President.
  5. Membership and Board Communication
    Roger Minton emphasized the importance of notifying the membership when an officer position becomes available to encourage engagement. Staci Beurer suggested placing an interest form on the website to foster better communication and involvement.
  6. RedSuit Conclave Speaker Compensation
    Chris Terry inquired whether speakers at the RedSuit Conclave are ever compensated. It was noted that while some speakers may donate their time, compensation is sometimes offered depending on the situation. Ted Flynn mentioned that just because speakers have not been compensated in the past, it doesn’t mean it should not be considered in the future.
  7. 501(c)(3) Funds and Educational Initiatives
    Kathy Norred raised concerns about the allocation of 501(c)(3) funds, asking whether the funds are being used effectively to support educational initiatives. A discussion followed about the need to evaluate the quality of educational programs and whether funds should be directed toward speakers or venues. It was agreed that further discussion on the use of these funds would take place after the wrap-up banquet.

There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Melissa Rickard and seconded by Ted Flynn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM. The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on February 11, 2025, at 7:00 PM.

Minutes submitted by:
Melissa Rickard, Recording Secretary