World Wide Santa Claus Network

Within our Santa Claus School education is a team effort and everyone’s contributions are integral to creative and commercial success.

Our autonomous structure emphasizes accomplishment while minimizing politics.

We don’t clock in and out, just get the job done on time at a consistent level of quality.

Our name, logo and contact info is usable by all of our Gold & Platinum members. Therefore, we have a vested interest in helping to produce EXTRAORDINARY Santa & Mrs. Claus portrayal Artists.

Santa and The Driver (Santaology)

Steve (SANTA) and Deb (the DRIVER) love teaching as a team!

They are so excited to be able to share their stories, techniques, and tools to help everyone raise their Santa game!

In this ever changing and competitive industry, it is no longer just about getting the perfect Santa picture, but about the entire Santa visit experience!

Through trial and error they have figured out ways to make Santa visits pure magic for kids of all ages, and they are now offering virtual classes to teach you how to do the same!