- Call to Order
President Michael Beurer called the regular meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 7:02 PM.
- Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Secretary Melissa Rickard read the minutes from the previous meeting.
Motion: A motion was made by Shawn White to approve the minutes as read.
Seconded by: Ted Flynn
Vote: The motion carried unanimously.- Rogers Report
Given by Melissa Rickard, there are 21 new MAPS Members
- Treasures Report Kathy Norred presented the financial report for MAPS:
- Wildfire Bank Statement (12/31/2024): $10,146.01
- Transactions:
- Check #1042 (01/14/2024): Ticket Refund: -$100.00
- Check #1043 (11/27/2024): Century Banquet Hall: -$3,905.00
- Deposit (01/20/2024): 50/50 Drawing ($201) + Ticket Sales ($50) = $251.00
- Stripe Payments (January): $1,738.95
- Wildfire Bank Statement (01/31/2025): $8,130.96
501(c)(3) Status:
- The IRS 501(c)(3) status was granted on January 8, 2024.
- The following clauses must be added to our organizing documents:
- The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, educational purposes, including the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- Upon dissolution, assets shall be distributed for exempt purposes or to federal, state, or local governments for public purposes.
- A tax expert in Michigan confirmed that if we wish to donate leftover assets to a specific organization, that can be accomplished at the time of dissolution.
- Event Reports and Updates
- Wrap-up Banquet:
President Michael Beurer thanked Staci for organizing the event and reported that it was a great success. The next event will be Dickens-themed, with attendees encouraged to dress as characters from A Christmas Carol. - Jingle Joy Retreat:
Michael Howe and Chris Terry confirmed that all preparations are in place for the retreat at Rooftop Landing. Steve Gilliam will be unable to attend due to family commitments, and Bob McMasters is also unavailable. Ted will contact Tim Connaghan to check his availability and may reach out to Stuart Deacon or Mitch Allen as additional options. The event is confirmed for May 29th, 30th, and 31st, with plans for Big Boys and Ponderosa confirmed.
- Vice President’s Report
President Beurer thanked Melissa Rickard for filling in as Vice President and reported that he had sent out an email seeking a new Secretary. President Beurer also plans to collaborate with Michael and Roger to send an email blast to further search for candidates.
Melissa Rickard proposed holding an open board meeting each quarter, allowing general membership to ask questions, offer suggestions, and propose new ideas. This would also encourage members to take on leadership roles.
Motion: A motion was made to hold open board meetings once a quarter for the general membership to participate and provide feedback.
Seconded by: Ted Flynn
Vote: The motion carried unanimously.
The first open board meeting will be on April 8th, 2025, as part of the new MAPS year.- Red Suit Conclave Update
Chris Terry provided an update on the Red Suit Conclave:
- The contract from 4 Points has maintained the same pricing, with the large banquet room available for $381 for the evening on Saturday.
- Uno’s is permanently closed, and no reopening date has been provided.
- As a backup, Golden Corral has a banquet room available for $15.99 per person. The room can accommodate the entire group, and it is located about one mile away from the current venue. Chris will continue to monitor updates from 4 Points and the manager will keep us informed if Uno’s opens.
- Adjournment
President Beurer closed the meeting by thanking everyone for their contributions to the organization.
Motion: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kathy Norred.
Seconded by: Shawn White
Vote: The motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM.Next Meeting: March 11, 2025